Gratitude list

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Skating Gratitude

Skating is something I'm very grateful for. It is a way to relive stress when it comes to any problem I face. It is a fun way to get exercise, and reason to go outside. With each trick I do you almost get this feeling of being proud of how far you have come. It takes alot of work to get to do any trick in skateboarding, I just feel so much better when I can hit a trick that I want to hit. It's a hobby, stress reiliver, and fun thing to do.


I want to Learn 5 new tricks by the end of the year:

  • I will Skate Every Day
  • I will watch videos about how to do tricks
  • I will ask advice from my friends on tricks they know already

I want to have atleast 3 A's by the end of the tri:

  • I will do my hw every day
  • I stucture my time better for when I study
  • I will pay more attetion in classes I dont enjoy (World Histoy)