Week 3 of Collegeboard Grades

Submission #1

Rubric Score CBScore Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 The program purpose was clearly stated, Everthing was cleary shown, and every input was given the right response
Data Abstraction 0 0 List was named well, both code segments are provided but the second segment isn’t acessing data from the list
Managing Complexity 0 0 Didn’t mange complexity in the program, very easy to devolp
Procedural Abstraction 1 0 Calls the rpsGame, although acording to college board was not specfic enough about how yourPlay effects the overall program
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Uses squencing selection and iteration with the rpsGame, Clearly explains the algorithm so it can be remade
Testing 1 1 The program calls two different functions and the text it gives back clearly shows the result.
Final 4/6 3/6  

Submission #2

Rubric Score CBScore Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 The program purpose was clearly stated, Everthing was cleary shown, and every input was given the right response
Data Abstraction 1 1 List was named well, both code segments are provided the second segment is acessing data from the list
Managing Complexity 1 1 There was a good amount of complexity in the program, explains how the code can be written diffrently
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Calls the guessWords student made, the response back to the describes the function
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Uses squencing selection and iteration with the guessWords, Clearly explains the algorithm so it can be remade
Testing 1 1 The program calls two different functions and the text it gives back clearly shows the result.
Final 6/6 6/6  

Submission #3

Rubric Score CBScore Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 The program purpose was clearly stated, Everthing was cleary shown, and every input was given the right response
Data Abstraction 0 0 The two codes segments were not provided, The list is named correctly
Managing Complexity 0 0 The code uses list to manage complexity although is not explained well enough, to generic.
Procedural Abstraction 0 0 Calls the updateScreen student made, the second screen does not mention updateScreen at all
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 Did not include iteration in his code, the student doesn’t explain how the index value of states matches the value to the state.
Testing 0 0 Does not show the result of the calls, The response describes two different processes and not conditions being tested from a parameter
Final 1/6 1/6  

Submission #4

Rubric Score CBScore Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 The program purpose was clearly stated, Everthing was cleary shown, and every input was given the right response
Data Abstraction 1 1 List was named well, both code segments are provided but the second segment isn’t acessing data from the list
Managing Complexity 1 1 There was a good amount of complexity in the program, explains how the code can be written diffrently
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Uses list that has more list inside of it to mange complexity, also explains how the code can be written without lists
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Uses squencing selection and iteration with the rpsGame, Clearly explains the algorithm so it can be remade
Testing 0 0 The result explains the code segements instead of giving the acual result, also doesn’t describe spefic arugments that are passed through the parameters
Final 5/6 5/6  


  1. I felt that my standords for grading and collegeboards are starting to become simalar. There was only one missed point that I didn’t get the same as college board and it was because I thought a program was described enough. I pretty much understand all 6 crietra now and what is needed for them.
  2. My program in it current state has completed, Program and Purpose, Algorithm Impletation, and Testing. The reason for the others not being completed is because we still need to connect it fully to the backend.
  3. Of the many reason that I’ve seen for a critera not being filled is the Data Abstraction catagory. The way I wont incounter this is by making sure I have to code segments, that mention each other, and are named well.